
The file api can be used for different kind of file I/O.

'file file_open(f : string, r : string) Call the C function fopen with the file path and access rights. Return the opened file or throw an exception if the file couldn't be open. void file_close('file) Close an file. Any other operations on this file will fail string file_name('file) Return the name of the file which was opened int file_write('file, s : string, p : int, l : int) Write up to l chars of string s starting at position p. Returns the number of chars written which is >= 0. int file_read('file, s : string, p : int, l : int) Read up to l chars into the string s starting at position p. Returns the number of chars readed which is > 0 (or 0 if l == 0). void file_write_char('file, c : int) Write the char c. Error if c outside of the range 0..255 int file_read_char('file) Read a char from the file. Exception on error void file_seek('file, pos : int, mode : int) Use fseek to move the file pointer. int file_tell('file) Return the current position in the file bool file_eof('file) Tell if we have reached the end of the file void file_flush('file) Flush the file buffer string file_contents(f : string) Read the content of the file f and return it. 'file file_stdin() The standard input 'file file_stdout() The standard output 'file file_stderr() The standard error output

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