An Introduction to Mod_neko

Mod_neko is an Apache module for Neko. This means it's possible to run Neko programs on the server side in order to serve web pages using Apache. Here's a step-by-step tutorial on how to configure and use Mod_neko.

Quick configuration

If you don't have mod_neko compiled or you don't want to setup Apache, you can use a mod_neko emulator by using the Neko Web Server. This is a very small web server that is running locally for development purposes only. It mimics the same API as mod_neko, so you can use that instead.

In order to start the server, simply run the following command :

nekotools server

This should start the local server, by default, on the localhost on port 2000 so you can browse the configuration page by visiting http://localhost:2000/server:config. Change the server base path to your website directory and you can start browsing it. If it contains .n Neko bytecode files, they will be loaded and executed just like Apache mod_neko is doing.

Linux Installation

Debian / Ubuntu

It's recommended to first setup the prerequisites in order to build the neko vm and its extensions. The following packages are needed: apache2-threaded-dev: For Apache module libraries such as mod_neko and mod_tora libmysqlclient15-dev: For building the Mysql client library libpcre3-dev: For building the regular expression library libgc-dev: For the garbage collector of the neko vm * libgtk2.0-dev: For the GTK bindings

Install Requirements

Download all the needed system packages

$ sudo apt-get install apache2 apache2-threaded-dev libmysqlclient15-dev libpcre3-dev libgc-dev libgtk2.0-dev

Install nekovm and apache extensions

The following script downloads the official NekoVM release, compiles the C sources and installs it on your system. Alternatively, if you want to work with the latest features you can checkout the sources from CVS.

Install script

Shellscript for the complete build and install process. 1. Copy the contents into a shell script, like "" 2. Decide if you want to download the release or checkout from CVS 3. make it executable: sudo chmod 0755 3. run it: sudo ./ (It's important that you run the script as root with sudo)


# Build the neko VM
# =================
# Important: run the script as root with "sudo ./"

# ------- User Configuration BEGIN -----------

# $RELEASE: release or cvs?
# - If you want to build neko with a official release you have to define the
# release version 
# - If you want to build neko from CVS you have to comment out the following
# line


# -------- User Configuration END ------------

mkdir -p /usr/local/src && cd /usr/local/src
rm -rf /usr/local/src/neko*
rm -rf /usr/local/neko
rm -rf /usr/local/bin/neko*

if [ $RELEASE ]; then
    wget "$RELEASE.tar.gz"
    tar xfvz $RELEASE.tar.gz
    cd $RELEASE
    #cvs login
    #cvs co neko
    svn co neko
    cd neko

# build neko

# install neko
mkdir /usr/local/neko
cp bin/* /usr/local/neko
ln -s /usr/local/neko/neko* /usr/local/bin/
ln -s /usr/local/neko/ /usr/local/lib

# may be required if /usr/local/lib is not in your library search path
grep "/usr/local/lib" /etc/ || echo "/usr/local/lib" >> /etc/

# setup environment variables for neko
grep "NEKOPATH" /etc/environment || echo "export NEKOPATH=/usr/local/neko" >> /etc/environment

Quick notes about building Neko: The build script will also build mod_neko (and mod_tora) so you will be prompted to choose to target apache 1.3 or apache 2. Please read the following section for more information. Since subshell () is used in the Neko Makefile, you may get a segfault from bash because of insufficient stack. To avoid this problem, you can increase the stack size by 'ulimit -s 20000'. * If you are not using gcc or an earlier gcc version, the option -fno-stack-protector may not be recognized. All you need to do is to removed it from the Neko Makefile. (Also comment it out in src/tools/neko.install, line 82 and 83).


Compiling mod_neko is currently only compatible with Apache 2.2.x or Apache 1.3.

DEAPI Workaround (Apache 1.3.x only?)**

If you are using 1.3.34 you may need to do this. You'll have to make an modification to neko/src/tools/install.neko (this is the workaround):
Add -DEAPI to the list of cflags around line 75.

Apache 1.3.x If you instead installed Apache2 DON’T FOLLOW THIS.

Compiling mod_neko...
The file httpd.h provided when installing Apache 1.3.x was not found
Please enter a valid include path to look for it
Or 's' to skip this library

Apache 2.2.x `Compiling mod_neko... The file httpd.h provided when installing Apache 1.3.x was not found Please enter a valid include path to look for it Or 's' to skip this library


Compiling mod_neko2...

Now let's install it and run ldconfig for good measure.

$ sudo make install $ sudo ldconfig

#### Apache 1.3 Configuration

Possibly inaccurate:
* add LoadModule neko_module /usr/local/lib/neko/mod_neko.ndll
* add AddModule mod_neko.c
* add AddHandler neko-handler .n
* add index.n to the list of DirectoryIndex
#### Apache 2 Configuration

# add NEKOPATH variable to apache2 environment vars sudo grep "NEKOPATH" /etc/apache2/envvars || echo "export NEKOPATH=/usr/local/neko" >> /etc/apache2/envvars

# create a neko.conf in available modules sudo test -f /etc/apache2/mods-available/neko.conf || echo "AddHandler neko-handler .n" >> /etc/apache2/mods-available/neko.conf

# create a neko.load in available modules sudo test -f /etc/apache2/mods-available/neko.load || echo "LoadModule neko_module /usr/local/neko/mod_neko2.ndll" >> /etc/apache2/mods-available/neko.load

# enable neko module sudo ln -s /etc/apache2/mods-available/neko.* /etc/apache2/mods-enabled

# add index.n to DirectoryIndex in dir.conf sudo grep "index.n" /etc/apache2/mods-available/dir.conf || cat /etc/apache2/mods-available/dir.conf | sed -r 's/DirectoryIndex (.*?)/DirectoryIndex index.n \1/' > dir.conf.tmp && cp dir.conf.tmp /etc/apache2/mods-available/dir.conf sudo test -f dir.conf.tmp && rm dir.conf.tmp

# restart apache2 /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

### Neko from

Download and install neko from [Debian Backports](

## Apache configuration

If you want to use Apache with `mod_neko`, once Neko is correctly configured, you can edit your Apache configuration `httpd.conf` in order to add `mod_neko`. Each statement must be added to a single line in the proper place in the Apache configuration file :

- add `LoadModule neko_module (your path to mod_neko.ndll)`
- add `AddModule mod_neko.c`
- add `AddHandler neko-handler .n`
- add `index.n` to the list of `DirectoryIndex`

Now that you're done, you can restart Apache to check that Mod_neko is correctly loaded. If you have some problem, try to check that Neko is correctly configured.

## Some tests

Now you can simply edit a Neko file and print some welcome message :

$print("Hello Mod_neko !");

Compile this file (`nekoc hello.neko`) and place the `.n` file into your web directory so it can be accessed by Apache. Browsing it using your [favorite]( web browser should display the message.

Now let's try to print the HTTP parameters that are passed to the script, using the `mod_neko` API :

get_params = $loader.loadprim("mod_neko@get_params",0); // $loader.loadprim("mod_neko2@get_params",0) for mod_neko2.ndll module $print("PARAMS = "+get_params());

Don't forget to compile in order to update the `.n` file before browsing your script. You can now set HTTP parameters `(your URL)?p1=v1;p2=v2....` and see them displayed on your web page.

## Script versus Application

Since Neko is separated into two different phases: *compile* and *run*, you cannot directly see the modifications you're making to your script since you need to compile first. This has several advantages :

- it runs faster

- the syntax is checked at compile-time before you browse the page

	- you don't need to have *sources* on the server; having only binaries is ok
	- you can run your module in *application mode* (see below).

Right now, however, every time a request is made by the browser, Mod_neko is loading the module and executing it. If you have a very big script it might take some time (although it's already faster than other web scripting languages).

The idea of running in *Application Mode* is to have an initialization phase for your script that will create objects, load libraries, initialize global data, and then setup an *entry point* which will be the function called for every request. Here's a small sample :


// this is the entry point entry = function() {



// setup the entry point set_main = $loader.loadprim("mod_neko@cgi_set_main",1); set_main(entry);

// call it the first time as well entry();

Now after compiling, if you browse this page, it should display `Initializing... Main...` the first time and then `Main...` for every refresh. It means that you can initialize a lot of things at loading time and store values into globals that will be persistent between calls.

If you recompile, this will change the timestamp of the `.n` file so it will reload and initialize it again. This means that you should be able to reload everything you need at loading time.

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