Execution Flow

Here's some explanation on how each expression is evaluated:

Values :

  • [0-9]+ | 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+ : evaluates to the corresponding integer value.
  • [0-9]+ DOT [0-9]* | DOT [0-9]+ : evaluates to the corresponding floating-point number.
  • DOUBLEQUOTE characters DOUBLEQUOTE : evaluates to the corresponding string. Escaped characters are similar to the C programming language.
  • DOLLAR ident : identifiers prefixed with a dollar sign are builtins. They enable you to call some compiler constructors or do optimized function calls.
  • true | false : evaluate to the corresponding boolean.
  • null : evaluates to the null value.
  • this : evaluates to the local object value (See below for more details on objects).
  • ident : evaluates to the value currently bound to this variable name.


Before evaluating any expression, all sub-expressions are evaluated in an unspecified order. "v"s represent the values obtained from the evaluation of sub-expressions.

  • { v1; v2; .... vk } : The evaluation order follows the order of the expressions declarations. The last value vk is returned as the result unless program does not contain any expressions, in which case null is returned.
  • { i1 => v1, i2 => v2 ... } : This will create an object with fields i1...ik set to values v1...vk. It might be more optimal than setting the fields one-by-one on an empty object.
  • v DOT ident : v is accessed as an object using ident as a key (see Objects).
  • v ( v1, v2, ... vk ) : The function v is called with the parameters v1, v2... vk (see Function Calls).
  • v [ v1 ] : v is accessed as an array using v1 as the index (see Arrays).
  • v1 binop v2 : Calculates v1 op v2 (see Operations).
  • expr = v : This is a special case when the operation is an assignment (see Operations).
  • ( v ) : Evaluates to v.
  • var i1 = v1, i2 = v2, .... ik = vk : Each variable i is set to the corresponding value v, or to null if no initialization expression is provided.
  • while .... | do ... while ... : Implements the classic while-loop. Its value is that returned by a break inside the while, or unspecified if the loop ends without using break.
  • if v1 e1 : If v1 is the boolean true, then e1 is evaluated and its value is returned. Otherwise, its value is unspecified.
  • if v1 e1 else e2 : If v1 is the boolean true, then e1 is evaluated and its value is returned. Otherwise, e2 is evaluated and its value is returned.
  • try e1 catch i e2 : Evaluates e1 and returns its value. If an exception is raised during the evaluation of e1, then e2 is evaluated, with the local variable i being set to the raised exception value (see Exceptions). The value of the try...catch will be e2.
  • function ( parameters-names ) expr : Evaluates to the corresponding function.
  • return; : Exits the current function with an unspecified return value.
  • return v : Exits the current function and returns v.
  • break; : Exits the current while loop with an unspecified return value.
  • break v : Exits the current while-loop and returns value v.
  • continue : Skips the rest of the loop body and jumps to the start of the loop, reevaluating the loop condition.
  • _ident_: : A label (See the corresponding section).
  • switch e { _e1a_ => e1b e2a => _e2b_ .... default => edef } : Evaluates e and tests it with each eia sequentially until it is found to be equal, then returns value of the corresponding expression eib. If no value is found to be equal to e, the value of the edef expression is returned. null is returned if default is not specified.

Please note that the conditions of if and while only consider the boolean true to be true. You might need to add a $istrue code before each expression in order to convert the expression result into a boolean.

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