
Sqlite is a small embeddable SQL database that store all its data into a single file. See http://sqlite.org for more details.

'db connect(filename : string) Open or create the database stored in the specified file. void close('db) Closes the database. int last_insert_id('db) Returns the last inserted auto_increment id. 'result request('db, sql : string) Executes the SQL request and returns its result int result_get_length('result) Returns the number of rows in the result or the number of rows changed by the request. int result_get_nfields('result) Returns the number of fields in the result. object? result_next('result) Returns the next row in the result or null if no more result. string result_get('result, n : int) Return the nth field of the current result row. int result_get_int('result, n : int) Return the nth field of the current result row as an integer. float result_get_float('result, n : int) Return the nth field of the current result row as a float.

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